Living Table is an ongoing project that invites people to share food and have conversations about food at Forgan Arts Centre in Newport on Tay, Scotland. Monthly events create opportunities for discussion, learning, cooking, eating, and growing.

Led by the G.R.E.E.N. Artist in Residence Désirée Coral Guerra, Living Table is inspired by the life that grows around a table: from the life of insects that pollinate crops to the cultural and political life made manifest in recipes, traditions, and dinner table habits; from micro-organisms to human-migration.

​The project will play out over several months, and each month, we focus on one ingredient, for example, honey, edible flowers, or potatoes. Each month we will hear from guest artists, experts and prepare and share a meal together.

This project finalised with the printed publication:

Living Table

The Living Table project has reflected upon and discussed the relationships, connections, and antagonisms in the politics of food and the poetics of food.

This publication develops from these conversations: At the ‘Honey’ event, we confronted the relationship between humans and non-humans, nature, ethics, and landscape; in ‘Final Meals’ we discussed the relationships between humans and power, access and discrimination andculture; and at ‘Flora’ our conversations were around the complexities of agriculture, more-than-human relationships with plants, food sovereignty, food security, food access, land use and the cost of living.

The contributors to this publication are bringing their voices, perspectives, and ideas, presenting them in various formats, like someone offering a meal with multiple flavours and textures, course after course.

This publication was made possible thanks to the contributors, guests speakers, guests, copy editor, designer, and everyone behind the scenes of this project.
Thanks to the generosity and vision of @forgan_arts_centre and its director Jen White the @_livingtable_ was made possible because of:


Alaya Ang, Amanda Thomson, Cath Keay, Daniela Roepke, Edward Summerton, Elizabeth Reeder, Helena Simmons, Irene Aldazabal, Kevin Kaempf, Lydia Honeybone, Pernille Spence, Zoe Irvin, Rita Valencia , Rowan Lear, Tommaso Ranfagni, Valeria Mata.

Editor: Désirée Coral

Copy Editor: Tom Varley

Editorial Design: Killian Dunne


The Roots are in the Seeds


Retrieved Landscapes